Following the success of the Essex Cornerstone Lodge, we are pleased to announce plans for the consecration of our own Royal Arch Chapter – the Essex Cornerstone Chapter.

Continuing our desire to create the most dynamic new and young masons’ club in England, we feel that having our own Chapter will be the next step in our evolution.

Our Chapter will be a ‘working’ Chapter allowing young masons the opportunity to be exalted into the Royal Arch in Essex.

We are planning on holding these Chapter meetings on the same day as our Cornerstone Lodge meetings. This will reduce pressure on your valuable free time and also to help keep costs low but having a joint Festive Board (rather than paying for two!). This is something new for the Province and we think this will be a really popular approach.

To be part of this amazing Chapter please contact Jonathan McDonald, Scribe Ezra

  • Our Chapter will be open to all current and past members of the Essex Cornerstone Club
  • It will provide young masons the opportunity to join the Royal Arch in Essex
  • It will be run by young masons, encouraging and supporting fellow young Masons in their masonic journey, promoting involvement in the Chapter and the Royal Arch generally
  • It will encourage involvement in running a Chapter
  • It will increase the Masonic education and the Masonic experience of all members

We have received a fantastic response to our plans for this Chapter. If you are interested in becoming a Founder, Joining Member, or joining the Royal Arch in the future please contact us so that we can discuss the best option to suit you.


Our Chapter FAQs

By providing a Chapter for Young Freemasons in Essex, we believe that we can attract more young members into the Royal Arch, and support them in completing their journey into pure and ancient Freemasonry.

  • Increase Masonic education and the Masonic experience of all present and past club members.
  • Offer opportunity for Young Freemasons to become a Companion of the Royal Arch in Essex
  • Create a fun, young and vibrant Chapter
  • Allow Club Members to stay connected
  • Provide a gathering-place for all present and past Club members in familiar surroundings and a sense of belonging at regular dates
  • Encourage and support young Masons in their masonic journey

We are proposing holding just two meetings a year. The meetings will also be held on the same day as our Cornerstone Lodge meetings in June and December. This will reduce pressure on your valuable free time and also to help keep costs low.

The Chapter will be open to all current and past members of the Essex Cornerstone Club only.


Applications for Joining Membership will be accepted from any Companion of the Royal Arch in Essex, or any Companion of the Royal Arch under the jurisdiction of Supreme Grand Chapter, who is or ever has been a member of the Essex Cornerstone Club.

You will be welcomed into the Chapter at a meeting after the consecration.

Please contact Jon McDonald to be added to the waiting list:


Once consecrated applications for Exaltation (initiation) will be accepted from any Essex Freemason, or Mason, who is or ever has been a member of the Essex Cornerstone Club, who fulfils the requirements for Exaltation as set out in the Book of Constitutions of Supreme Grand Chapter.

Please contact Jon McDonald for further information and to be added to the waiting list:

We are very conscious to avoid putting undue financial pressures on our members and we will be looking at ways in which we can try to reduce the financial burden and keep subscriptions as low as possible.


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